
Friday, December 9, 2022

Gas station requires ID to open door to get beer | Did You Know?

From: Kate S.
Sent: December 9, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Gas station requires ID to open door to get beer


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Buying alcohol in the United States typically goes like this: You walk into a store, choose your desired beverage, take it to the counter, and get ready to pay. At this point, the person behind the counter will check your ID to verify that you are at least 21, and, if everything checks out, you are free to purchase your alcohol. Now, a user on TikTok has gone viral after sharing an updated version of this system. In a video with over 5.7 million views, Plavojai Jenkins shows off new age verification technology for purchasing alcohol. In the video, Jenkins shows a row of refrigerators filled with alcohol, all of which are locked. Next to the fridges is an ID scanner which encourages customers to put in their ID. Once they do, and they are verified to be over the age of 21, they can choose which fridge they want to unlock. “I want the Bud Light door,” Jenkins says.

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