
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Barista warns Starbucks workers on hitting ‘no tip’ option before showing customers tablet prompt

From: Jack R.
Sent: December 8, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Barista warns Starbucks workers on hitting ‘no tip’ option before showing customers tablet prompt


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Barista warns Starbucks workers who are hitting ‘no tip’ option before showing customers tablet prompt. TikToker @kalehack went viral on the platform after uploading a caveat to fellow Starbucks baristas who hit the “no tip” option on touchscreens for customers in order to process transactions more speedily. The coffee chain recently implemented a card tipping option for its employees during checkout, forcing customers to select a tipping option, or refusing to tip outright before being able to pay for their order. Some baristas voiced their ire for the system, stating it’s “embarrassing” and that there are several customers who already complained about its implementation.

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