Thursday, November 17, 2022

Police Officer DuChaine saved a baby’s life | Did You Know?

From: John M.
Sent: November 17, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Police Officer DuChaine saved a baby’s life 


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DuChaine and his partner, Officer Charles Owen, of the KCMO Police Department responded to a call for a 1-month-old girl who wasn’t breathing. Arriving before EMS, they sprinted into the house, where the father handed the baby over to DuChaine. DuChaine began infant chest compressions followed by back thrusts. Thankfully, the baby started breathing again. DuChaine turned the baby on her side, and Officer Owen checked for obstructions. Later, the officers visited her in the hospital”. Way to stay calm and save her life!! You rock, Officer DuChaine!

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