
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Officer Bonds for being such a positive role model for my son | Did You Know?

From: Sharron D.
Sent: November 9, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Officer Bonds for being such a positive role model for my son


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"This picture is of my 5-year-old son, Ethan Pixley, and Officer Bonds with Jackson PD. Ethan LOVES policemen!! Everywhere we go he seems to find one, talk to them, and give them a hug. But, this time he found a special one. Officer Bonds invited Ethan to come eat with him at his table and even asked him to pray before they ate. He then spent 20 minutes talking to my son about how important it is for him to be good at school, make good grades, and how to stay out of trouble. With all the negative attention police get in the world today, I thought it would be nice to hear about the positive ones trying to make a difference. Thank you Officer Bonds for being such a positive role model for my son and many others in the community!"

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