From: Sam Y.
Sent: November 9, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Just goes to show you don’t judge someone you know nothing about
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Did You Know? Digest ►►► The man brought the four cards, the four boxes of candy, and the four sets of flowers up to the cashier for checkout. The cashier rolled her eyes at him as she looked at his wedding band and mumbled ”these players make me sick.” This caused everyone else to look at the man funny too. So the man responded ”one set is for my mom because my dad passed away and he used to do this for my mom and he taught me how to give love. The next set is for my wife because I love her and she teaches me how to receive and treasure love. And the third set is for my daughter because it’s up to me to teach her how she should be treated and who she should give her love to. And you can have my fourth set because I just wanted you to know that a man can show you love and understanding and not want anything from you. Have a blessed day.” She melted and everyone else did too. Just goes to show you don’t judge someone you know nothing about!
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