
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Dad Gets Tattooed So His Son With Cancer Won’t Feel Alone | Did You Know?

From: Fran B.
Sent: November 16, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Dad Gets Tattooed So His Son With Cancer Won’t Feel Alone


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This dad got a tattoo so he would look the same as his child who got a brain operation. Amazing kind of love. John Marshall received the worst possible news. It was something that all parents fear for their children. His young son, Gabriel, was diagnosed with a rare malignant brain tumor called anaplastic astrocytoma. In the months that followed, Gabriel received treatments and invasive surgeries to help free him of the cancer. And in the end, the boy’s doctors had happy news. They gained control of his tumor. Although he still had part of the tumor in his head, Gabriel has remained in stable condition in recent exams, and it’s been nine months since he’s received any treatment.

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