
Monday, October 10, 2022

The world record for the loudest thing ever shouted belongs to an Irish teacher | Did You Know?

From: Ginger M.
Sent: October 10, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: The world record for the loudest thing ever shouted belongs to an Irish teacher


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Pupils at a school in Belfast had their classroom shaken by a sound louder than a rock concert this week. What was the sound? No other than their teacher, who just happens to have the world's loudest shout. Miss Flanagan entered the record books back in 1994 with a thunderous rendition of 'quiet!' The shout clocked up an earth-shattering 121.7 decibels, setting a world record. Luckily for her pupils, Miss Flanagan says she never uses her secret weapon in class.
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