
Friday, October 7, 2022

HE IS MINE - The adoption is final and now he is happily curled up at my feet | Did You Know?

From: Doug T.
Sent: October 7, 2022
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: HE IS MINE -  The adoption is final and now he is happily curled up at my feet


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"I was heartbroken when my 14 year old angel left me a few months ago. I drove to the shelter to donate her toys and treats and the new bed I had just bought. While I was turning to leave the building I heard soft little moans behind me A woman was dropping her dog off because he had gotten too old and she was ready to adopt a puppy This sweet dog had barely ten years old. As the worker was walking towards the back, I stopped him right away. Without question, I said, HE IS MINE. The adoption is final and now he is happily curled up at my feet.
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