From: Joann S.
Sent: December 16, 2020
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Denny’s worker quits on the spot because she’s fed up with anti maskers
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A Denny’s worker quit out of frustration after a pair of maskless patrons walked into the diner and demanded to be seated. The men were apparently already filming before they began to speak with the Denny's worker, seemingly expecting a confrontation. In the video that the men filmed, the employee tells them they need to be wearing a face mask. One of the men tells her they have a "religious exemption" before fumbling to say they “just don’t want to wear a mask.” The employee responds by reiterating that they are required to wear a mask. The man then claims they are covered by the "Civil Rights Act of 1964," which, according to Newsweek, "does not guarantee your entry into any particular business establishment."
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