From: Bob S.
Sent: June 3, 2020
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Train carrying more than 100 passengers smashed into a car that plunged off a bridge in Spain
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At least two people have died after a train carrying more than 100 passengers smashed into a car that plunged off a bridge in Spain. The Alvia train, able to reach speeds of up to 155mph, was derailed in the accident which took place in La Hiniesta, Zamora, this afternoon. It is believed the car plunged from an overpass onto the tracks and collided with the oncoming train, which was traveling to Madrid. Both the 89-year-old car driver and one of the train drivers were killed in the collision, local media reported. Another train driver trapped in the wreckage suffered a broken arm, El Pais said.
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