From: Doug T.
Sent: June 23, 2020
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Ford Raptor, Jeep Wrangler Attempt to Save $300,000 Speed Boat; All Three Sink
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Some folks can't help themselves, no matter how hard they try. Such is the case with this family whose $300,000 Pavati AL26 boat began to sink in Cedar Lake, Indiana before even more mayhem ensued. After trying their hand at several different recovery methods, nothing was working. Not even their Jeep Wrangler or Ford Raptor off-roaders could save the you can see from the water rising over their hoods. The entire situation is a bit of a head scratcher, and it's unclear how the wake boat started sinking in the first place. Regardless, the move to deploy the Wrangler and then the Raptor was questionable at best given the depth of the water. For a boat, it was shallow. For a couple of trucks, no matter their four-wheeling pedigree, it was way too deep. ...
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