From: Fred R.
Sent: February 29, 2020
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: I need more info about Handheld Fish Finders
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Fred, thanks so much for your request for us to find FAQs about Handheld Fish Finders. We'll do some research and share with you and the fishing world. ~Den
Do portable fish finders work?
Yes, in fact they do work, and rather well from my experiences with them. They will give you accurate readings on the depth at the location of the sonar, the fish that are swimming around, and also the temperature of the water where you are at. Here are a few features of the portable fish finders that may entice you even more:
Wi-Fi connected wireless.
No Internet or Cellular data required for most.
Compatible with iOS and Android.
Great for all styles of fishing: shore-, ice-, bank-, boat-, kayak-, river-, float tube fishing.
Works on Fresh water and Salt water.
Great ranges, up to 330ft.
Depth mapping anything up to 0.5in to depth of 260ft.
As you can see, there are some great features to these portable devices, but do not be fooled, there are a few quirks to get over, and some draw backs, but all in all, this device is going to change shore fishing in a big way. AS an added benefit these sonar devices work for any type of fishing, Fresh water, Salt Water, and even Ice Fishing.
Is a fish finder a depth finder?
A "depth finder" or "digital depth finder" is exactly that a display of depth information. This is a simple display of the depth of water under the boat in digital read-out. This is more commonly utilized for shallow water depth detection, when a graphic display is not required. A "fish finder" uses the same or similar transducer and actually gives a graphic, video image of the water and bottom under the boat, as well as several seconds or minutes history. This video image will show any objects detected by the transducer. This would include the bottom as well as fish, wrecks, etc. that would be useful to fisherman.
Is it bad to turn on fish finder out of water?
In general don't use your sounder out of water unless you can turn off the transmitter output. Maybe on a low power sounder it will be OK but, on a 1kW system it can destroy the transducer because of overheating.
Are lucky fish finders any good?
The Lucky FF718LiC Fish Finder offers a very good casting range and that's obviously one feature that's really important when you're buying a fish finder. There's no castable sonar that has a better range than this one.
Can I use a fish finder from shore?
Yes. Fish will swim along undefined channels near the shoreline. They are not easy to see with the naked eye. They are sometimes just a series of boulders, logs and structure. These “safe passage” zones are similar to our highways. They provide a relatively easy way to get from point A to point B. These channels are easier to see on a fish finder.
Do sharks show up on fish finders?
Fish finders get their return signal when bouncing off the gas in the swim bladders of fish. Consequently you cannot 'see' things like sharks, rays, jelly fish etc.
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