From: Tim R.
Sent: February 14, 2020
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: I'd like to learn more about Chemical Weapons
Thanks Tim for your request. We'll do some research on the topic "Chemical Weapons". ~Den
What are some examples of chemical weapons?
Nerve gas, tear gas and pepper spray are three modern examples of chemical weapons. Lethal unitary chemical agents and munitions are extremely volatile and they constitute a class of hazardous chemical weapons that have been stockpiled by many nations.
How are chemical weapons used?
Chemical agents become weapons when they are placed into artillery shells, land mines, aerial bombs, missile warheads, mortar shells, grenades, spray tanks, or any other means of delivering the agents to designated targets.
What are the 4 types of chemical agents?
Chemical warfare agents fall into four major classes: nerve, blister, choking, and blood agents.
How do chemical weapons kill you?
An effective attack using a chemical or biological agent can easily kill thousands of people. A chemical weapon is any weapon that uses a manufactured chemical to kill people. The first chemical weapon used effectively in battle was chlorine gas, which burns and destroys lung tissue. Chlorine is not an exotic chemical.
Is chemical warfare legal?
The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, usually called the Geneva Protocol, is a treaty prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons in international armed conflicts.
Who invented chemical weapons?
Fritz Haber was a German chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his invention of the Haber–Bosch process, a method used in industry to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas.
Is mustard gas illegal in war?
The use of poison gas by all major belligerents throughout World War I constituted war crimes as its use violated the 1899 Hague Declaration Concerning Asphyxiating Gases and the 1907 Hague Convention on Land Warfare, which prohibited the use of "poison or poisoned weapons" in warfare.
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