From: Sarah S.
Sent: December 1, 2019
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Lost Wedding Ring While Skiing Was Found 2,000 Miles Away
Thanks Sarah. I bet this couple was real happy they were able to get back her wedding ring. Neat story, thanks again. ~Den
Excerpt: "Nov. 29 (UPI) -- An Oregon woman who lost her wedding ring during a 1992 ski trip has the heirloom back on her finger after it turned up more than 2,000 miles away in Alabama. Melisse De La Mare, of Portland, said she and her husband, Jim Gibson, had only been married a few months when she lost the wedding ring while skiing on Mount Bachelor in Bend, Ore. De La Mare said the ring was especially precious because it had originally belonged to her mother-in-law. "We lost something that meant something to the family, not from a monetary value point of view," Gibson told KGW-TV. Heather Langley, a jewelry maker in Bessemer, Ala., said a customer told her last summer about a ring he had found while working at Mount Bachelor in the early 1990s."
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