From: Jim O.
Sent: November 28, 2018
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Knickers the Australian Cow
There is a giant cow named Knickers in Western Australia and people have gone crazy.
Technically he is not a cow, but a steer (a neutered male). But he is giant, standing at 1.94 metres (6ft 4in ) to his withers (the shoulder). This is just shy of the world record-holding steer, Bellino, who lives in Italy and stands at 2.02 metres. Knickers, a Holstein Friesian, weighs in at 1,400kg (220 stone) and is believed to be the biggest steer in Australia. And, for some reason, Knickers and his sizeable existence are the talk of the internet, making news all over the world. ~Jim
Knickers the cow: why Australia's giant steer is so fascinating | World ...
First, the news, such as it is: there is a giant cow named Knickers in Western Australia and people have gone crazy. Technically he is not a cow, ...
Knickers the cow: Giant Holstein-Friesian steer makes headlines ...
"Knickers," an enormous Holstein-Friesian, is making headlines after his owner declared him -- unofficially -- Australia's biggest steer.
Please Enjoy Knickers, An Enormous Australian Cow
What you're looking at here is a cow named Knickers, a Holstein Friesian that lives on a farm in Western Australia with a bunch of other ...
Australia cattle Knickers, a steer, is giant and the internet loves it
A staggering steer in Australia has the Internet – and the colossal cattle's owner – saying, "Holy cow," over the meaty mammal's size.
The internet is obsessed with Knickers the giant Australian cow
In the world of cows on the internet, Knickers is kind of a big deal. The steer from western Australia has become a sensation after people saw ...
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