
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Living Alone Can Make You Weird, Sudy Finds

From: Jacob P.
Sent: November 22, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Living Alone Can Make You Weird, Sudy Finds

Study: Living Alone Could Contribute to Developing Depression

Living alone can be associated with independence and positive feelings, but a new study suggests that living without roommates could actually increase the risk for developing depression. The study results showed that people who lived alone bought more antidepressants than people who lived with roommates. “These data suggest that people living alone may be at increased risk of developing mental health problems,” according to the study conclusion. “The public health value is in recognizing that people who live alone are more likely to have material and psycho social problems that may contribute to excess mental health problems in this population group.” ...

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Warning: Living Alone May Be Hazardous to Your Health | Science ...

One of the most unprecedented trends of modern society is the number of people who choose to live alone. As sociologist Eric Klinenberg observed in his 2012 book Going Solo, living alone was virtually unheard of in most world cultures throughout history prior to the 20th century, but an estimated 32.7 million people now live alone in the United States, accounting for about 28 percent of the country’s households today, compared with 17 percent in 1970. The medical and mental effects of this shift are complex. As Klinenberg notes, many people who live alone still remain highly social and connected with friends and family, so living alone doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is isolated. ...

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The Downside of Living Alone | Institute for Family Studies

You've doubtless heard about how many young adults are living with their parents these days. "Older Millennials Keep Moving in With Their Parents," says Slate. "It’s Official: The Boomerang Kids Won’t Leave," reports the New York Times magazine. "Some Millennials—and Their Parents—Are Slow to Cut the Cord," notes NPR. Though real, that trend is somewhat overblown because, as The Atlantic's Derek Thompson pointed out last year, the Census classifies college students living in dorms as living at their parents' home. In all the talk about young people's living arrangements, however, reporters have largely overlooked another significant trend: the gradual rise over the past century in the percent of Americans who live alone. ...

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