
Thursday, November 23, 2017

How to Detach Emotionally From Work

From: Lihanna B.
Sent: November 23, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: How to Detach Emotionally From Work

The Importance of Detaching From Work | Psychology Today

Typically when we hear that someone is “detached”, or is actively seeking “detachment”, this is viewed negatively. There are, however, instances where a certain amount of detachment is a good thing; in fact, there is considerable evidence that regularly detaching from work is an important key to thriving under stressful conditions. Before discussing the primary mechanisms by which people may be able to detach, it is important to first consider why we often don’t detach from work. One obvious reason is technology (Park & Jex, 2012). Today we have the capability of being in touch with the workplace 24 hours a day through e-mail and smartphones. ...

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How to Emotionally Detach from Work - The Cut

Years ago, at an Office Space–type job, I had the thrilling task of organizing a digital system for our documents. It was not a particularly exciting project, nor was it one that required any level of enthusiasm. After spending hours on it, however, I took it personally when my boss decided to change my entire system. “Honestly? This doesn’t sound like a big deal,” my friend said when I complained about it later. I was indignant. How would he feel, I asked him, if he worked all week only to have someone undo all of it? “Am I getting paid?” he replied. “Then I don’t think I’d care.” ...

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6 Ways to Be Less Miserable at Work | Careers | US News

Your commute home is agony. (Last out of the office again!) Afterward, your dinner conversation is bitter. (No one appreciates me at work.) Then, your sleep is restless. (I can't believe I have to go back to that office in a few hours.) And it all started because work is terrible. You're not being discriminated against, harassed, hurt or bullied – for those issues, visit the websites of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Workplace Bullying Institute – you're just sick of workplace misery lingering long after you sign off for the day. Cheer up. Here's how to hate your terrible job a little less: 1. Keep your cool. First off, delete that scathing email to Brian you've been drafting. Exit out of that Gchat conversation about how annoying Leslie​ is. And – for the more aggressive readers – put down that stapler gun aimed at Mike's big, stupid head. ...

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