From: Thomas R.
Sent: August 16, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: President Trump gets lots of criticism from all sides for his tweeting
President Trump gets lots of criticism from all sides for his tweeting, saying the practice is “un-presidential”.
A friend sent this to me, and I want to share it with you in an effort to quell the holier-than-thou hysteria that is consuming the main stream media about President Trump's tweeting.
For months CNN has been attacking President Trump's Tweets. Before you get too high up on your horse, because you think the President's Tweets are beneath the dignity of the Office....
•Bill Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office with a barely legal intern. He then lied about the incident and was impeached.
•Obama ran guns to Mexican drug lords and gave billions to terrorist states. Obama ran guns to the Syrian "Moderate Resistance." They took those arms and instead of fighting Russia, went on a genocidal rampage against Syrian & Iraqi Christians. He did NOTHING about it till the US media went into hysterics over the beheading of American journalist James Foley. Then his reaction was to call them "JV"(meaning Junior varsity)
•Biden makes creepy and sexist comments and publicly fondles women.
•Hillary Clinton endangered Americans, released classified intel, wiped her illegal server and destroyed mobile devices, left 4 American heroes to die and lied about it being caused by some stupid video, sold nuclear material to our enemies and took money from terrorist-producing countries. Not to mention the biggest "pay for play" scam that we have ever seen in government.
•John Edwards was indicted for using campaign funds to hide his mistress.
•Rod Blagojevich is in prison for trying to sell Obama’s senate seat.
•Anthony Weiner…well, need I say more?
And Democrats want to lecture Trump on what is “beneath the office”?
Here They Are…..
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