From: Chuck S.
Sent: June 15, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: President Obama's Burial Monument
Build a sand bar in Lake Michigan off the Chicago shore for his monument. Let the Coast Guard use it for target practice!
~ Chuck
When a president dies, the country pays for their burial. In the case of a president like JFK, who was a war hero and assassinated in the middle of a term, something extravagant is in order. His burial at Arlington with the memorial paid for by the people cost almost $4 million in today's money, adjusted for inflation. The Kennedy family paid for the casket, vault and the eternal flame.
Ronald Reagan, one of the most influential men in history, is buried in California at his Presidential Library, paid for by donations from the people and the Reagan family. In fact, other than Kennedy, which we can all agree was warranted, no president has ever cost the taxpayers more than $100K in today's money to bury.
Until now that is. Barack Obama has just submitted his plans for burial in a plot that will house his entire family, citing the Kennedys, the Tafts and the Roosevelts as precedent, inside a monument he had designed to celebrate the nation's first black president. The monument, will cost the taxpayers roughly $120 million and will be listed as a national historical place with 24 hour protection from the 3rd US Infantry Regiment, just like the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The memorial would be built immediately upon approval and occupy the Northeast quadrant of the lawn near the Washington Monument with a view of the White House:
The monument itself would include quotes from his years as president along with a giant bronze statue and burial crypts for him and his family under a large arch:
You heard that right. Obama will be guarded around the clock in a monument among those of our founding fathers and greatest heroes, paid for by the taxpayer. It's not too late to call or contact your congressman and object.
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