From: Sam N.
Sent: June 11, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Draining the Swamp is Messy
Here is a little ‘Food for Thought’, as it were, for your weekend contemplations.
Having always been a ‘Paranoid Pessimist’ and, also remembering just why it was that I voted for Mr. Trump, as you read and comprehend the following I urge you to stop, recall, & think about; both President Trump’s campaign promises and the analogy of the facts as they stand as observed by this journalist.
Our home is in a community of 2,000 homes located on the inter-coastal in North Carolina. Everything lives here. Alligators. Water moccasins. Rattle snakes. Sea hawks. Egrets. Giant blue heron. Mosquitoes… blood sucking mosquitoes. We’ve watched from our back porch as dolphins chased sail boats and motor boats up the intercostal and watched the moon rise over the ocean to cast its glow over the intercoastal.
When the community decided to drain the swamp in the center of the community, it was a big deal
Draining the swamp was messy. The swamp was about 10 football fields, about 6 feet deep, with lots of creatures living in it. It was a dangerous swamp. Not one that you would walk or swim. You would not dare sit next to it in the dark of a moonless night. If not the snakes, then the mosquitoes would eat you alive.
As the water level decreased, the creatures were exposed. As the water level disappeared, all that was left was 3 feet of yucky black mud and the roots to dying cypress trees. The fish, snakes, frogs, rats, and birds were all stranded in the yucky mud.
Those creatures of the swamp fought for their lives as the swamp disappeared. The fish flopped around in the black mud looking for some water for life. The frogs croaked incessantly all night while their young pollywogs were stranded lifeless at the top of the black mud. Snakes slithered in every direction in the black mud in search of food. The rats that live in hollows all along the water abandoned their nests while the birds that feed off the swamp creatures also abandoned the area.
Finally, the mud dried out. No more snakes. No more rats. No more fish. No more frogs. No more mosquitoes. And no more birds that feed off those creatures of the swamp.
That same thing is happening to the political swamp in America. Trump is draining the swamp. His picks for his cabinet are all swamp drainers. Yeah, 3 are from Goldman Sachs. 3 of 23. Practically all of his cabinet have executive experience (military, or government, or private sector) .. and it is the executive branch, now isn't it?
Everyone who lived off the swamp is praying for rain. Election rain so Democrats might win some elections from Republicans since the Democrats suffered such horrible defeats during the 8 years of Obama. Impeachment rain so the professional politicians can get rid of Trump as the swamp drainer. Low approval rating rain so the media can claim they were correct about Trump. Virtual rain, fake rain, so pundits can claim that Trump is not making any progress even though the results say the opposite.
Draining the swamp is messy, muddy. But the mud will soon dry. Democrats just lost special elections in Arkansas and Omaha after sinking millions into them. Democrats might grab an election here or there in places like Georgia where the demographics are changing to black communities, but not without millions and millions of campaign money ... and Democrats cannot afford to do that for all the elections in 2018. Democrats must defend 23 Senators in 2018 as compared to 10 for Republicans and Democrats must win 25 seats in the US House from Republicans and then win back 900 state legislative seats and 14 governorships. If Georgia is an example, that will cost Democrats hundreds of millions to try.
SCOTUS will be rendering its decisions about Trump executive orders just before the 2018 elections .. and more than likely, SCOTUS will rule against the Obama appointed judges who live in the lower court swamps. SCOTUS will help Trump.
Comey is gone. Lynch is in trouble. Clinton is back in trouble. The Clinton Foundation donors are talking Clapper and Yates both said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians.
Schumer is gasping for rain like one of those stranded fish. His Republican swamp buddies like McCain will abandon him as he dies … a rat leaving the swamp even though they shared an apartment together. His Wall Street swamp buddies cannot help him. The Washington Post and The New York Times and CNN and NBC are all trying to seed the clouds. But none of it is producing enough rain to help Schumer stop Trump from draining the swamp.
Draining the swamp is loud. Listen to all the hysterical liberal media cartel who are trying to make it rain in order to save the swamp where they live. Chanting, Lying, even doing ‘Rain Dances’. But no real rain is coming. Only fake rain.
The swamp will soon be dry. And when it is, then the next task will be to …
“Make America Great Again!”
Every once in awhile, an email arrives that is soooo good I must share it with all on my email list. This is one of them well worthy of posting and circulating.
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