From: Robert J.
Sent: June 21, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Today the United States Supreme Court issued a direct and final blow to the Islamic Indoctrination of the young in this nation.
In what is sure to make Liberals boil with rage. The United States Supreme Court was able to hand out this decision banning Sharia Law and Islam from being taught in classrooms only because of the tie-breaking vote. Which was none other than just appointed President Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.
Gorsuch went on to write about the decision:
Amen Justice Gorsuch, Amen!
Scummy Liberals are all about teaching Islam and Sharia Law but they have issues with “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and “In God We Trust” on our currency. They despise our customs, values, morals and everything we stand for. They want to desperately replace them with those of a religion and culture which is pure hell. One which treats women like cattle, although they chastise us for taking women’s rights away which were never taken and kill gays for just being gay. While at the same time taking us to task because we don’t want degenerates which have clear mental disorders being able to choose which public restroom they use.
This should have been a unanimous decision, not 5 to 4. But let’s face it, the 4 liberal lunatic judges on the Supreme Court don’t care about the constitution, nor our values. But let’s look at this as the true start to resorting America to its founding glory.
God Bless our new Supreme Court Justice; Neil Gorsuch and our President; Donald J. Trump!
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