From: Sam L.
Sent: May 27, 2017
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Texas Teacher Gives ‘Most Likely To Become A Terrorist’ Award To 7th Grader
“I was shocked,” Lizeth Villanueva, a 13-year-old student at Anthony Aguirre Junior High in Houston, told Click2Houston. “[The teacher] said, ‘Most likely to become a terrorist,’ and she said my name, and she gave me this.”
Lizeth received the award in an advanced learning program that’s supposed to help kids prepare for college. The teacher, who was not named, told the students the award was supposed to be funny, but Lizeth’s not laughing.
“It was not a joke,” Lizeth was quoted as saying. “I do not feel comfortable with this.”
Principal Eric Lathan released an apology on Twitter for “insensitive and offensive” awards, saying they were distributed after the school’s real awards ceremony had concluded.
“These award statements and ideals are not representative of the Aguirre vision, mission and educational goals for its students,” Lathan wrote. “An investigation will be launched into these events.”
Lizeth’s mother told local CBS station KHOU that the principal apologized in person as well, but said she wants the teacher to face discipline.
“Get fired, at least, or something,” Ena Hernandez said.
“It doesn’t look good at all, especially coming from a teacher, a grown-up woman,” Hernandez said. “It doesn’t look good because everything that’s going on right now.”
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