From: Jill M.
Sent: June 1, 2012
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Study shows low-carb diets safe for the kidneys

A new study eases long-term concerns regarding the potential adverse effects low-carbohydrate diets may have on the kidneys. Low-carb, high-protein diets—such as the Atkins diet—have been popular for years, but experts have long worried that these weight loss strategies may have harmful effects on a person’s kidney function or fluid and
“The belief among many experts was eating lots of protein could ‘rev up’ the kidneys, like an engine, and cause damage or failure over time,” lead researcher Dr. Allon Friedman, from the Indiana University School of Medicine, told
“High levels of protein have also been known to change electrolytes in the blood in ways that could be harmful,” he added.
However, in a study of 200 obese patients who participated in a low-carb, high-protein diet over a two-year period, Friedman and his colleagues did not find any noticeably harmful effects on kidney health or function compared to people who ate a low-fat diet instead.
Read more:
low-carb diets are really safe for the kidneys.