From: Fran S.
Sent: May 19, 2012
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: People living longer but getting sicker
One in three adults suffers from high blood pressure, a key trigger of heart disease.
Increased life expectancy and changes in lifestyle mean that chronic conditions once associated with wealthier nations are now affecting lower income countries.
"We are being successful in reducing the impact of infectious diseases and child mortality is coming down -- that means more people are surviving to advanced ages when non-communicable diseases develop," said Colin Mathers, coordinator of the WHO's mortality and burden of disease unit
As people live longer, they are more prone to chronic diseases.
Lower-income countries such as obesity and smoking.
As populations become better off, incomes are rising, and the calories available are increasing.
"The spread of fast food, processed food, salt added in manufacturing, is all contributing to cardiovascular and cancer risks."
In many developed countries like Australia, where the incidence of heart problems peaked in the 1960s and 70s, people are diagnosed and given treatment.
But those treatments are not generally available in African countries, said Mathers.
In Niger 50.3 percent of men suffer from high blood pressure, with Malawi and Mozambique not far behind at 44.5 and 46.3 percent respectively.
One in 10 people are estimated to have diabetes, rising to up to one third in Pacific Island countries.
The Americas have the highest instance, at 26 percent of adults, and south-east Asia the lowest obesity levels at three percent.
Deaths in children aged under five years dropped from almost 10 million in 2000 to 7.6 million a decade later, with the decline in deaths from measles and diarrhoea-related disease "particularly striking."
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Thanks Fran. Yes it appears that humans have a dilemma on their hands. Medicine is good at keeping us alive but many of us suffer from debiliting conditions that a very unsatisfying way of life. Let's hope the word gets out and we all educate those who need to change their lifestyle.